It is the policy of Arkaba Medical Centre to provide best practice infection control standards to protect patients, doctors, staff and members of the public at higher risk of Covid-19.
As such, it is strongly recommended that patients wear a mask while attending Arkaba Medical Centre, and that doctors wear surgical masks while in the clinic.
It is a requirement that staff or visitors entering the clinic in a working capacity wear a mask while in the clinic, unless they have a medical exemption.
It is the policy of Arkaba Medical Centre that patients presenting with respiratory symptoms are not permitted to enter the clinic unless they have had a negative Covid-19 PCR within the last 5 days. A negative RAT will not be accepted.
Patients presenting with respiratory symptoms are encouraged to attend the Adelaide Central Respiratory Clinic for assessment and testing.
Visitors attending the clinic in a working capacity, who present with respiratory symptoms, are not permitted to enter the clinic until they return a negative RAT, as observed by an Arkaba Medical Centre clinic nurse.